Life on the Downside

Friday, December 30, 2005

New Year 2006's been a while... I'm not really in the habit of writing about myself anymore, and somehow i have more interesting things to do than write sleeping, the occasional GTA:SA, but mostly i've been stuck in my embryo lab studying...and doing my lab.... but as it nears the end of 2005, i feel its time to clean the closet, shake out the skeletons, and put in some new ones...

so year 2005 in review...and what i want to do for 2006

Academic: after the boost by EDB in allowing me to continue my studies, i floundered during my summer classes, good thing they were only two classes. came back strong in Fall 2005, and so ended this year with a slightly improved GPA. nowhere near my goal of 3.7, but i believe i'm getting there. i have two more quarters to improve, and i do hope i do in 2006. new year, more resolve....

Work: with graduation, the next step is EDB. i guess i've lived those 4 years with a certain amount of satisfaction, tempered with several huge mistakes along the way. now that i leave the relative comfort of school, it is time to play the game. i can not afford to make the same mistakes i make, if i intend to achieve status within those 6 years. but i do not want to be a workaholic. neither do i want to be a ****sucker too. principles are integral, but i have to play the game, or lose. i do hope i become more conscientious of my work and my surroundings, and be able to take the load in my stride. that's all i have to do....

Family: 2005 had been a rather torrid year for my family and relatives. one uncle passed away, and another is suffering at a critical stage in cancer. i feel helpless that i was not there, and i could not be of help. but it is also consoling that my aunts and uncles have come closer because of such tribulations. i hope everyone pulls through and stay strong.

Girl: now i would like to declare for all to hear, that Weiqi and i are together. no matter that you do not know her, or you have not met her, i would like to think that i will introduce her to all of you some time or another...prob next year when i'm home. i don't dare to speculate or look too far ahead into the future, partly because we've only been together for a short while, and it will be foolish to assume everything will be perfect. but its not too hard to aspire to, i think. i entrust this to my friends: i will not treat this relationship like how i messed up my previous relationships....this is my sorry for 2006.

Friends: i do apologise to all my friends that i have not kept in touch as much as i wanted....especially to those i consider my closest friends...i guess its so easy to neglect one factor of my life, when other factors seem to grow in importance...but i can not live without my friends, and so i must strive to achieve that balance...i have realised that i have different groups of friends that i do different activities with. is that good or bad?? i accept that my friends don't all share the same interests and personalities....but having so many groups for the many activities we share, is quite tedious....honestly!!

somehow i have a mental block now....generally cause of 5 hours of sentosa, sun and volleyball...
but i guess if i have to sum up my new year's resolutions...its to achieve my dream GPA of 3.7, love my family and girlfriend more...and be there and learn more about my friends...esp if u're my 死党, my close friends, or even mere acquaintances...

adios 2005, greetings to 2006....may everyone's lives be just a little bit better....


  • Glad to know that you have set a direction for yourself this year. I'm still trying to figure out what my resolutions are..

    Things will definitely be much better this coming year, as it has always been when compared to the previous years.. ha ha..

    Have a safe flight back to school, and see ya again in June bro! =)

    By Blogger junKiT, at 1/04/2006 10:15 AM  

  • good luck. =)

    By Blogger fm, at 1/07/2006 1:07 PM  

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