Life on the Downside

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Summer days just sitting around, but when the sun goes down...

Hm...Summer is streaming along fine, and in a few days, i'll be starting summer school. over these last two empty weeks, i have been lounging around, going out occasionally with friends, seeing some friends off *sob*. furthermore i'm supposed to move to my new place tmrw, and yet half my stuff is still lying around my room...

yet i feel like writing something...more like i wanted to chronicle a story i read. From Neli Humphreys' "Scribbles from the Same Island"...

"Now, this may sound cold and heartless, but when you live aboard, a certain detachment inevitably results...the sense of loss can never be the same because they are names spoken over the telephone" ("The Family", pg 195).

He's talking about relatives who have passed away, and he has lived in Singapore for over 7 years. Yet I, who have lived 3 years here in San Diego, feel the same, whether it is for relatives or close friends. I'm not justifying my poor filial behavior to my family, nor my poor loyalty to my friends, poor it is a sad fact that rung a bell with me.

I have seen many people come and go within this 3 years...graduations, exchange programs...all constitute a part of my life here, and if i could help it, i would like to keep every single memory, whether good or bad. I do admit that i've done quite a few bad things in my time, and even though i might not have reformed totally, i'm more aware of my actions now...or at least, i hope so.

But being here, and then leaving in about a year for home, makes me think that i have not done the best, nor done the most of what i wanted. there are still places to go, people to meet, things to see, activities to do...

this final year (from this summer) will be my last, and hopefully most fulfilling year. i make myself that promise. hope some of you will help me materialise that promise too, whether it is people i know, or people i have yet to meet...


  • hihi...Jus live your life to the fullest each day you woke up and never look back.. There are definitely more good things lying ahead of you, so no point dwelling on the good/bad past that you once had.. Learn to cherish wat you haf now and I'm sure you will live a happier life.. =)


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6/26/2005 6:39 AM  

  • see.. other ppl's death threats are not that threatening either.. hmmph!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6/26/2005 7:53 AM  

  • hey des. sure life's gonna be very nice for you! i haven't been able to access blogspot when i was in red china. :) nice to be able to read this blog instead of the xanga site that's at rest. haha. :) take care man. see ya!

    By Blogger sangyu, at 7/25/2005 8:30 AM  

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