Life on the Downside

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

reconsidering what my life is....

i've read that when people start to re-consider what their life is, what their life means, and what they should do about their life, it is indicative of a __-life crisis (quarter, mid, end). its a re-evaluation of priorities, and also time for improvements too.

over this summer (which is over in 4 weeks), i've seen and learnt a lot...there are many people around me who are confident, partly due to them knowing what they want to do in life, and they're in charge of their life...and it is my honour to know them, and learn from them too.

James has opened my eyes to how investment in shares (if played properly) can help in your finances; i'm considering setting aside a proportion of my future salary in investments, which if played well, can provide some form of financial security, or at least make life a little more comfortable. Adrian has provided some good advice on that too. It IS better than stuffing that same money into a savings or CD/FD and waiting for the meagre interest to generate $1 per year. So there, one goal for the future.

Even so, i fully intend to leave some money in a savings account, primarily for my kids, and also for my emergency funds. The idea of an off-shore account (as from certain role-models) might be an option that although illegal, will ensure that i have more control over my money than the government will have. It's not that i have anything against the SG government (ok, i kinda do), but i believe to learn, i have to have some independence eh....

are property and cars form of investments too? or even country club memberships? it is a consideration that i will make when i can afford such luxuries...cause that is what they are: luxuries...

lately, i've been feeling detached...i realise that i had wasted my childhood...not that it was bad, but i've missed out on a lot of things...what are the joys of childhood? remembering the toys, the games, the cool cartoon shows? or the times spent at the playground, playing with others? somehow, i don't remember most of it, like i don't remember most of the things that have happened in my life. Is it because they weren't important? or because i'm fated to not remember them well? the various stages in my life are a blur...the details are not there anymore...reminiscing with friends is more of them reminding me things that we've done together, rather than me sharing my memories with them...

what have i done with myself? why is this so pathetic? will i ever remember the important things in my life when i'm on my deathbed? or will i only remember the present? shit!

i received some thoughts from my friend Adrian a few days back....something that struck me as possibly true...i've become more sensible over the 3 years i've been here. do u think its true? i've been kinda rash and stupid in many decisions over these years, be it money, friends, paths in life, etc etc...but i'm kinda glad that i have settled down a little. there are things that only one can do, and i've realised some of those limitations. i hope this bodes well for my future...

last weekend i had a leadership conference in LA. met a lot of people from various GoldenKey chapters from the US, and from Africa, Australia, Canada and Malaysia. It is amazing that there are so many brilliant people gathered in one place. I'm not only talking about academic brilliance (that was aplenty), but of social and community brilliance. i was inspired to say the least. but when the euphoria dies out....will i still be able to say the same?

during one of the many seminars i attended over the 4 day weekend, there was one where we set realistic goals for ourselves. guess what? my goal was to learn more about SG politics. i've complained a lot about the government, but i find that sometimes my thoughts are just biases that i must eliminate. Objectivity and knowledge of the environment (political) will allow me to understand better. Are we in a position to change? Can people like me change SG for the better? I guess i have inherited some of the unreasonable disgrunted-ness of the older generation against the ruling party and people. That WILL have to change.

guess there's a lot for me to do...and i do have to do this to improve. to those watchers of mine out there...i think i will need your help in ensuring i stay on the right path. thanks...


  • talk about being disgruntled.. man, half the time the people who have th power to make the change don't even believe in it. take my thesis for example.. the 'important' people refuse to be interviewed, refuse to comment, cos they think they are too great for something like that.. its like 'ordinary' ppl who actually believe that Singaporeans have a future, even though for now the path is so uncertain.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/22/2005 7:39 PM  

  • you have a good point, and its something u see around...unfortunately. if you wouldn't mind, i would be interested to read your thesis. if not, thanks anyway.

    By Blogger Desmond, at 8/23/2005 1:33 AM  

  • i AM going to mention it in my thesis.. just deciding if I should put those ppl's names down.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/26/2005 12:07 AM  

  • well, good luck with your thesis. hope it moves people to action. take care!

    By Blogger Desmond, at 8/26/2005 12:35 AM  

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